http://patreon/bubbaworldcomix if you would like to support on my patreon page or share with your friends this is my to-do list
(1) Produce the DOX sci fi comic book monthly ( only patreon $5 a month or more supporters see these as pdfs )
(2) Write short Horror Stories for a collection book ( hopefully one a month that only $5 a month supporters see as pdfs ) the collection book will be in my store after it’s finished.
(3) Produce the monthly BWC MAGAZINE with the SPACE REDNECKS comic in it as a pdf. ( Free to everyone )
(4) Update humor gag comics twice a week on my main website (free to everyone)
(5) Thru the year I will be writing and drawing Humor Graphic Novels that will be available to the Patreon supporters first as a pdf before the printed books are available .
(5a) I will be working on CAPN’ GEEZER & THE WAR CAPN’ before too long.
(5b) I will be working on the TALES FROM THE APPLIANCE GRAVEYARD : IT CAME FROM THE SHOP FRIDGE to have ready for October
(6) I will be writing and illustrating the children’s book AINT’ NO ONE HERE BUT US CHICKENS . Available first as a pdf to the patreon supporters then as a printed book.
(7) a humor podcast THE ZOG REPORT about idiot aliens from the Capn’ Geezer comic strip reporting back to the homeworld. ( free to everyone on the youtubes )
(8) a podcast about geekery and nerd stuff to be named later. ( free to everyone on the youtubes )
(9) drawing the LIGHTS OUT book 3 of 5 this year written by Landon McMinn . This will be available in my bookstore but Patreon supporters may get a back scene look at the making of the book every now and again.
(10) the other stuff I cant think of but will be doing also…
Join my Patreon page and help me create and keep me at the DRAWING BOARD. Share with all your friends and share with some of your enemies .